 | Auf dieser Seite haben wir für Sie alle Informationen zum Eintrag Alberts aus der Kategorie Restaurant in Mitte zusammen getragen. Unten finden Sie die Anschrift, Öffnungszeiten und weitere Details. |
What's fascinating at Alberts is the eclectic mix of people that changes throughout the day. Early morning is the time for singletons and friends to get together over breakfast, at noon it's time for business lunches, tourists take time out to relax there in the afternoon and by the evening, it's open-house when the young and the young at heart all descend! The grill is an impressive feature, as you can watch the Chef over your shoulder! There's a choice of fish, meat and vegetables, plus home-made bread and a reasonably priced daily menu from 11am to 3pm. Breakfast is served from 9am and throughout the day, definitely a plus for late-risers. Brunch is served from 10am - 4pm on Sundays and public holidays and also at a discount rate from 3pm for late risers. As a special treat for children, they can prepare their own scrambled egg! There's also free WLAN access for guests.
Anschrift: Alberts
Karl-Marx-Allee 35
10178 Berlin
[Achtung: unbestätigte Anschrift. Was bedeutet das?]
Fehler meldenBilder
Öffnungszeiten: Alberts
Montag bis Donnerstag 9:00 bis Offen end und Samstag und Sonntag 9:00 bis Offen end
Telefon: | +49 3024727250 |
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Küche: | Deutsch |