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Come Back


Auf dieser Seite haben wir für Sie alle Informationen zum Eintrag Come Back aus der Kategorie Restaurant in Mitte zusammen getragen. Unten finden Sie die Anschrift, Öffnungszeiten und weitere Details.

The Comeback has a sunny feel to it. Orange walls, grey couches, large mirrors, discreet décor and white serviettes make the place feel very cosy. In the summer why not go outside and relax at one of the brightly coloured tables in the middle of the pedestrian area. The staff are friendly, offer service with a smile and are on the ball. The restaurant offers quality Italian cuisine. The homemade noodle dishes are popular with shoppers and local residents. The risotto, meat and fish dishes also go down well. The restaurant also offers a selection of European wine.

Anschrift: Come Back

Come Back
Goldgasse 13
65183 Wiesbaden

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Küche: Come Back

Montag bis Donnerstag und Sonntag 10:00 bis 0:00
Donnerstag s und Samstag s 10:00 bis 01:00


Telefon:+49 611373802
