 | Auf dieser Seite haben wir für Sie alle Informationen zum Eintrag Scampino aus der Kategorie Restaurant in Mülheim zusammen getragen. Unten finden Sie die Anschrift, Öffnungszeiten und weitere Details. |
For a huge choice of freshly caught fish and seafood, the Scampino restaurant in Cologne keeps updating its menu so frequently that it needs to be written on a slate. Here, great Mediterranean food is served and is accompanied by a wine list from some of the top vineyards around the world. The atmospheric dining areas radiate Mediterranean chic and are filled with light. They are decorated in a minimalist style with blank wooden tables and skilfully worked colour tones. There is also the open kitchen which allows a fascinating glimpse of the master chef at work. The large selection of wines has been selected with great expertise and fittingly leaves the competition standing, and in summer don?t forget about the large summer terrace and garden, with views of the Rhine.
Anschrift: Scampino
Deutz-Mülheimer-Straße 199
51063 Köln
Fehler meldenBilder
Webseite: Scampino
Montag bis Donnerstag 12:00 bis 14:00
Montag bis Sonntag 18:00 bis 24:00
Telefon: | +49 221618544 |
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Küche: | Mediteranes |